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No matter how you found us... it was meant to be!

Inner Shift Healing refers to the belief that our external environment is a reflection of our inner condition and that, as we heal our inner condition, our outer world will reflect it.


Angelic/Reiki Energy Healing & B.O.C.A. Breathwork Meditations help to dissolve blocks


Intuitive Spiritual Counseling provides new perspectives that lead to greater self-awareness and healing.


quantum healing massage helps your body to heal from the physical to the energetic levels.


If you are reading this, major shifts are likely coming for you... let us help you through them. it is our mission to help you cultivate self-awareness and prepare you for anything that life brings! 


so, if you're ready to really know who you are and finally free yourself... 

Join the SMS Club for news, insights, and discounts on events and services!!

Thanks for joining the SMS Club, we look forward to connecting with you more personally!

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